Publications and Resources for Sale

Cascade to Wisdom: A Field Guide for Mentors.
Written for NEW leader-mentors, this comprehensive set of practical models, exercises, tips and techniques is organized in an all-in-one handy working-book.

Cascade to Wisdom: A Field Guide for Protégés.
Written for those on a leadership development track (high-potential and high-performer talent), is a comprehensive set of practical models, exercises, tips, tools and techniques organized in an all-in-one handy working-book.

La fontaine de la sagesse : un guide pratique pour les mentors and La fontaine de la sagesse : un guide pratique pour les protégés.
French versions of the Cascade working-books.

Quick Guide for Mentoring Partners.
Written for participants who have had some exposure to mentoring, this practical guide contains models, techniques, worksheets, and agenda ideas, (no theory!) in support of mentors and mentees/protégés/mentorees.

DIALOGI™ Question Your Way To Great Results.
This quick to learn, easy-to-use tool, will result in improved performance, build critical thinking skills and allow your managers to manage. (Developed by The Learning Consultancy, Wales UK, as a resource for mentor/coach/journeypersons coaching line operations and apprentice staff), helps mentors/coaches/managers implement the 5-steps of a learning dialogue in an ‘on the ground’ practical way. Each boxed kit contains a set of question cards that walk the mentor/coach through each phase of a coaching conversation. 2-3-hour train-the-trainer facilitator notes for a workshop, may be included where requested.
The Sage Handbook Of Mentoring
The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring provides a scholarly, comprehensive, and critical overview of mentoring theory, research, and practice across the world. Internationally renowned authors map out the key historical and contemporary research, before considering modern case study examples and future directions for the field.
Catherine is contributing author, Chapter 47: Mentoring Women in Canada’s Financial Sector. The CI Financial ‘Women Mentoring Women in Leadership’ is the profiled case study of an exceptionally well-conceived, managed, sustained, and evaluated program that continues today.
Developing Successful Diversity Mentoring Programmes.
Mentoring programmes are an essential tool for successfully supporting diversity within organisations, and can have a strong, positive impact on inclusion and recognition of differences.
Catherine is contributing author, Chapter 3: Mentoring in the context of disability: Case study 7 The Legacy Project: mentorship to support long-term empowerment of people living with HIV/AIDS. With approximately 20,000 people living with HIV in Ontario, a coalition of organizations came together to help improve access to treatment and support services, including mentoring. Mentoring supports the formation of a new sense of self, renewed hope, and seeks to enable PHAs to restructure their identity as they learn and grow in new communities and enhances their confidence to engage meaningfully in society. Catherine describes elements of the program and the impact it has had through the poignant stories of two participants.
Successful Professional Women of the Americas: From Polar Winds to Tropical Breezes
Drawing from more than 1100 surveys and hundreds of interviews from the Successful Women Project, the contributors of these 13 articles examine how women find success in locales as different as Barbados and Canada.
Catherine is contributing author, Chapter 2: Successful women professionals in the Americas: Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings and Chapter 7: successful women in the polar winds of Canada. Through in-depth interviews with twenty of Canada’s top women executives, she identified the role of mentors as one of several critical factors impacting the success of women leaders in business, the professions, and government.
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